The Chevin are a band whose music I have been getting into quite a lot recently. I first came across their track "Champion" while I was searching for stuff about another artist I like. They are from Yorkshire and have been creating a bit of a buzz across the pond (as shown by this video of them performing on the legendary David Letterman show). This song has apparently also had the honour of featuring on the latest FIFA video game, which is pretty good going as well. I suppose they could be described as a bit like a British Killers - there is definitely a Killers vibe in this and in the other stuff I've heard of theirs (search for "Drive"). But there is also a good dose of Northern English grit in there too. The lucky people in the US can already buy their album "Borderland", while it is set to be released in the UK on the 15th October. I for one, shall be looking forward to purchasing it.

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