I wasn't interested before, and I am still not interested now.  Just because it seems that we've got on better recently doesn't mean that I have changed my mind. And I find it a damn cheek that you think that you might be in there again.  I made it clear before and I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of a response, no matter how much you try and get my attention. I am not giving you the old "fuck off", I am just wanting you to know where you stand with me. The best way I can do it is to just say nothing to you.

(and so to normal blog service...)
I have seen so much about Gangnam Style on Twitter and elsewhere that after constantly wondering what on Earth people were referring to I did the easiest thing and googled it.
 After watching the video on YouTube, I am still none the wiser. Is it merely about dancing like you're riding a horse that's going over some rather bouncy terrain? Or is it something more than that? I can see why it is popular though, even if I don't entirely get it. Weird stuff always does well on the internet.

And if you wonder what I am on about, here's the vid.
....I haven't updated this for a bit. Don't worry, I haven't been neglecting this on purpose, it's just that I have been a bit busy of late so haven't really had time or energy to do a lot of writing.  Anyway, hello. Some stuff is to follow.